Increase your Homes Value with Wooden Shutters

Plantation Shutters from Cherrytree Shutters are an attractive, though expensive, window treatment. While the cost may make some people consider other alternatives, there are numerous compelling reasons to opt for Plantation Shutters mini-blinds, drapes and curtains.

Plantation Shutters have a clean look to them and are very appealing. In addition, many home buyers find plantation shutters a plus when comparing potential homes which can make your investment pay off in the long run.

While good looks may have you ready to make the plunge, you may need a few more reasons to help you make a decision. If you have a partner living with you, not only will you have to convince yourself, you will likely need to convince your partner that ordering shutters is a smart move. Here are ten compelling reasons to consider.

  1. Aesthetics
  2. Privacy
  3. Ventilation
  4. Durability
  5. Easy to clean
  6. Energy savings to the environment
  7. Save on energy bills
  8. Child safety
  9. Increase home value
  10. Preserve the life of furniture
